Renowned Danish author Orla Nygaard and World of Art Award Winning Danish Artist Asbjorn Lonvig have so far published 3 children's books on who administers print on demand publishing.
Two Books have been published in English. They are about a family who buys a dog (a Beagle).
The father is skeptical because he does not think he has time enough to look after the dog.
However, he becomes so fond of the dog that he decides to bring up and train the dog himself.
Unfortunately, things do not turn out the way he thinks and hopes. Time after time things go wrong
and very far from what he had expected, which results in a number of comical and bizarre situations.
You can see comprehensive previews on LuluPress of the books: Preview "The World's Best Beagy"
and preview of "Beagy will be Beagy".
You can order these 2 books by clicking on the motifs shown above - you will be navigated directly to the books on the LuluPress markedplace.
The 2 books mentioned above have been combined and published in Danish.
The book title is: "Biggi Verdens bedste Hund".
Nygaard & Lonvig, Denmark is very satisfied about feedbacks.
One of the most positive is this:
Dear Asbjorn.
I wrote to you when I received the books that I thought they are beautiful.
I liked the titles of the books. Very memorable. Children and parents can relate easily to the titles and
chapter titles. The colors of the covers and the art on the covers is very appealing for children as well as parents.
I love your geometric art and think it goes really well with the story contents.The inside of the books are very nicely done.
The page layouts are very clean and the art and story go really well with each other.
One can follow the story easily by looking at the pictures.
The stories are lessons as well, but these lessons do not distract from the fun aspect of the book.
For very young children, each chapter could be made into its own book.
The books are WONDERFUL!
All my best,
Ellen Fisch *
*) Ellen Fisch lives on Long Island, New York.
Ellen Fisch has a BA in Art from Brooklyn College and a MA in Art from New York University.
Ellen Fisch is a fellow artist to Asbjorn Lonvig, she teatchesis.
Ellen Fisch's general judgments are second to none.
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